Absentee Voting


In Louisiana, you must have a reason to be eligible to absentee vote, unless you are a military or overseas voter. There are specific reasons that qualify you to absentee vote. See General Application Qualifications (Reasons to Apply) and Disabled Application Qualifications (Reasons to Apply) for more information. 

You can submit an application requesting an absentee ballot through our online system, or you may print and mail an application directly to the Registrar of Voters office.

Please be aware of standard mail delivery times and the ballot return deadline when applying for an absentee ballot to ensure your voted ballot is received by the registrar of voters before the deadline. It is recommended that if you are going to request an absentee ballot, that you apply as soon as possible, as there is no start date to apply.

Disabled voters, military voters and overseas voters may be eligible to receive their absentee ballot electronically. You may use the application forms below. If you need assistance in voting or additional information, contact the Registrar of Voters office.



Online Application

You may request an absentee ballot by logging in to the Louisiana Voter Portal and following these steps:

  1. Click the "Search By Voter" button.
  2. Type in your First Name, Last Name, Zip Code and Birth Month and Year and then click the "Submit" button;
  3. Click the "Request Absentee Ballot" link found under the Quick Links heading; and
  4. Complete requested information and submit.

Note: You must be logged in to the Voter Portal as the voter for whom the request is intended to electronically submit a request for an absentee ballot.

Print and Mail Application

You may also print an application to request an absentee ballot which you can complete and deliver to the Registrar of Voters office. Delivery may be by U.S. Postal Service, commercial carrier, hand delivery or fax. If hand delivered or faxed, the application can only be for you or your immediate family member. Select the application that applies to you:


View upcoming election dates. You will need to list the election dates on your application.

View: Video for Completing an Absentee Ballot




If you qualified for absentee voting as a senior citizen or disabled voter, and you previously opted in to receive your absentee ballots automatically for each election, you may opt out at any time. To do so, simply submit an Absentee Program Opt-Out Form or your own written request to the Registrar of Voters. You will be removed from the Absentee Program automatically if any ballot mailed to you is returned to the registrar as undeliverable.

Absentee Program Opt-Out Form



General and Disabled Applications

 Applicants must request a ballot by 4:30 p.m. CST on the 4th day before election day.

Military, Overseas or Hospitalized Applications

Military personnel and/or their dependents; U.S. citizens residing outside the U.S.; or voters that are hospitalized must request their ballot by 4:30 p.m. CST on the day before election day.



  • By Mail (includes commercial carrier).
  • By Fax: Upon request submitted to the registrar of voter.
  • By Hand Delivery: A voter or immediate family member of the voter may deliver the ballot to the registrar of voters (a signed statement must be completed upon delivery by anyone other that the voter, certifying their relationship to the voter)(no person except the immediate family of the voter shall hand deliver more than one marked ballot per election to the registrar of voters).
  • Emergency Provisions: There are emergency provisions in place for Military, Overseas and hospitalized voters. Please contact the Registrar of Voters for additional information.



General and Disabled Voters

Voted ballots must be received by the Registrar of Voters by 4:30 p.m. CST on the day before election day.

Military, Overseas or Hospitalized Voters 

Voted ballots by military personnel and/or their dependents, U.S. citizens residing outside the U.S., or voters that are hospitalized must be received by your parish registrar of voters by 8 p.m. CST on election day.  If you feel that you will not be able to return your ballot timely, you may contact your Registrar of Voters for alternate methods to return your ballot.



If you requested an absentee ballot but do not feel like you will have time to return your ballot by mail, you may request that the Registrar of Voters send you by fax a certificate, a waiver of right to a secret ballot, and a ballot (if you have not already received your absentee ballot). You may then complete the certificate and waiver of right to a secret ballot and either transmit by fax or by mail your voted ballot, the certificate, and the waiver to the Registrar of Voters. Faxed ballots are subject to the request and return deadlines listed above.


If you spoil your ballot, you may request a replacement ballot from the Registrar of Voters prior to submitting a voted ballot.



Each registrar of voters will review the absentee ballot envelope flaps when they are received for the following ballot envelope flap deficiencies:

  1. missing voter signature;
  2. missing witness signature; and
  3. incomplete affidavit information, including but not limited to missing election date and voter information.

If upon receipt of an absentee ballot envelope flap, with one or more of the above identified deficiencies, the Registrar of Voters will immediately mail a written notice of the ballot envelope flap deficiency to the voter to give them an opportunity to cure the deficiency. If there is a telephone number or email address available in the voter’s registration record, the Registrar of Voters will also attempt to contact the voter by telephone or email. 

If you are contacted by the Registrar of Voters about a deficiency with your absentee ballot envelope flap, you must appear in person at their Registrar of Voters office by no later than 4:30 p.m. the day before the election to cure the ballot envelope flap deficiency.



You can track the status of your absentee ballot here.